Tuesday, May 22, 2012

How To Sew The Beads


To all awesome readers ! Salam 1 REJAB ~!

" Whether it’s a craft or something to wear, beads can add a beautiful finishing touch. Sewing the beads on, rather than gluing them, will prevent losing the beads through wearing, handling or washing. Sewing beads on by hand does take time but, with a little patience and practice, it can be done. From that, it will remain beautiful on our dress. That's the unique of sewing the beads on by hand. "

So, i just want to share with uolss ppl on How to Sew The Beads. Most and foremost on sewing the beads is a technique. How many words 'paling' daa..tu menunjukkan betapa pentingnya teknik ye uolss..so pliss take a note. With a correct technique, we will get a best and better result. So the steps are :

  • Firstly among the first thing, place the beads out in the pattern you want. This part need a high of imagination..selamat berimaginasi ye kawan-kawan. With that imagination, you can see how it will look and also to make sure you have enough beads. Nothing is more frustrating than being nearly to finish with a beading project, then find that you don’t have enough beads. Ommo, so so tension laa. So, it would be a good idea to buy more beads than you need in case you have to replace a lost beads later. Al-maklumlaa, while we are sewing, there are some beads degil yang amat. So they want to terpelanting laa..tercampaklaa..lari laa..So with an extra beads, we can replace those lost beads !

  • note : photo taken from here. Credit to u ya !

  • Then, draw the design for the beads according to the pattern you want. Normally you can draw directly onto the fabric with a pencil or kapur jahitan, so that it will easier to wash. But, you must sew correctly onto your drawing. If you are not confident to draw directly onto the fabric, draw the design onto the tissue paper according to the pattern you want. Then place a tissue onto the fabric. Pin the tissue paper to the fabric by using the needle or by using the jahitan jelujur so that the tissue will not moving while you sewing beads on. Please make sure the tissue paper is not moving so that you will get a perfect design on your fabric !

  • note : photo taken from here. Credit to her.

  • Place the embroidery hoop under the fabric. Tighten the embroidery hoop to get a best and better results. This technique is just a formal technique to use by first time beaders. For me, i just use my tapak tangan to lapik it. I just feel comfortable to use my tapak tangan. Gunakan ciptaan anugerah Allah kan lebih bagus. So just use your hand laa !

  • note : photo taken from here. Credit to Linda.

  • Put the thread onto the needle by using beading thread then tie it tightly at the end of the thread. Make sure to tie it tightly so that the thread is not going out from the fabric. To start sewing, enter the thread onto the fabric, then put the beads onto the needle. Place the beads according to the pattern you draw just now. Then sewing and sewing laa following your drawing. 

note : photo taken from here. Credit !

    Tips : Untuk mendapatkan jahitan yang kemas dan menarik, supaya jahitan itu tidak terputus ataupun tertanggal ataupun tercabut. Pastikan untuk mematikan setiap jahitan bagi setiap corak Sebagai contohnya, sekiranya anda menjahit corak bunga. Pastikan untuk mematikan jahitan untuk setiap kelopak bunga yang dijahit. So, bila salah satu kelopak tersebut terputus ataupun tercabut, ia tidak akan mengganggu kelopak yang lain dan akan memudahkan anda repair kembali jahitan anda. Really IMPORTANT okeh !

  • After sewing and sewing untill finish. Then for those who use the tissue paper, remove a tissue paper carefully to not pull the threads. For those who draw directly onto the fabric, if there any pencil left on your fabric, wash it laaa !

    So thats the steps on how to sewing the beads. It was a step from someone article. I just simplified the steps becoz I might thinking that this steps will help uolss. Happy trying ppl. It's just an easy steps. Remember, with a little patience and practice it's can be done!
    SB : dulu..dulu saya pun terkial-kial nak menjahit manik. But after more practice, that kial-kial can be remove..peace !

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